Anticipating Creative Futures


Dr. Soenke Zehle

Projekt Art


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CYANOTYPES is a community of change, a pan-European project which addresses the Cultural and Creative Industries sector’s needs and skills gaps. Challenging existing frameworks, we ask what innovative, multidisciplinary structures, strategic interventions and concrete skills development solutions can be adopted across the European CCI ecosystem?

Join us as we gather stakeholders from all corners of the CCI sector and beyond. Together we identify as CYANOTYPES calling for radical change. A shift that recognises the sector’s potential for innovation, competitiveness and resilience, that reacts to and rebounds from current global challenges such as global pandemics, digital transition, conflict, and the climate crisis.

CYANOTYPES adopts anticipatory strategies to develop and test a methodological framework that will empower creators to imagine multiple futures, making processes they are involved in today more sustainable, more resilient, and more dynamic. Organised by a triple loop learning framework, this will include changes in how we “learn how to learn”. Through the integration of specific and transversal skillsets, CYANOTYPES will provide context-specific points of entry and respond to disruptive elements into the sector with upskilling and reskilling processes for different stakeholder groups leading to change and innovation in CCI education and training.

CYANOTYPES is part of Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ Programme.


Higher Education Institutions

HKU (Coordinator)

HBKsaar - Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar

Lusófona University

NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

UAAV - University of Applied Arts Vienna

European Networks


ECBN – European Creative Business Network

ECHN - European Creative Hubs Network

EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training



Industry Sector Partners

FAINCE – Fashion Innovation Centre


SGI – Swedish Games Industry

YNFT – Screen Skills Committee Sweden

Regional Partners

CIKE – Creative Industry Košice


WRS – The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation

Quality Assurance & Training


WIFI International & WIFI – WKO – Institute for Economic Promotion of the Austrian Economic Chambers

Associate Partners

K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH

Associazione Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa

Wazo Sociedad Cooperativa

PPV Knowledge Networks

Société d'Enseignement Professionnelle du Rhône (SEPR)

New Design University - Privatuniversität GesmbH

ibw Österreichisches Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft

Creative Industries and Media Society (CREAM) – Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart

EAAE - AEEA - European Association for Architectural Education

GEECT - Groupement Européen des Ecoles de Cinema et de Television

Association Europeenne des Autorites Regionales et Locales pour l'Apprentissage tout au long de la vie



Cultural Innovation Competence Centre Association

Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsregion Stuttgart e.V.

IETM International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts

Ukbar Filmes - Produção de Longas e Curtas Metragens, Lda

Associação Portuguesa das Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas

Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts of ARIA UANTWERP

Kreatives Sachsen

The European Students' Union (ESU)

Danish Design Centre

Pontis Foundation

Media Lab Katowice

Creative Linz

Creative Prague

