Generative Arts and Design Lab

Generative Prozesse und Systeme

Generative Arts and Design Lab is an initiative of the Experimental Media Lab (xm:lab) at the Academy of Fine Arts Saar (HBKsaar).

As artists, designers, and researchers intrigued and inspired by the availability of a wide range of generative systems, we want to create an environment - a lab - to experiment with current and emerging generative artificial intelligence practices.

We are a multidisciplinary team, playfully engaging with and critically reflecting the roles data-based technologies play in how we work now and how we may work in the future.

We are convinced that such playful exploration can contribute to the development of a new professional culture of cooperation with artificial intelligences.

The Generative Arts and Design Lab offers both know-how and infrastructure to experiment and prototype with generative artificial intelligence systems as well as seminars and facilitated discussions to playfully explore the multidimensionality of this emerging field of cross-disciplinary research.

Such exploration is driven by an interest in the future of learning, of socio-technical systems design, of labor and work across and beyond arts and culture.

We hope to re-contextualize tech-centric conversations and narratives of innovation and add holistic approaches that imagine new forms of human-machine co-existence.


Das Generative Arts and Design Lab ist eine Initiative des xm:lab - Experimental Media Lab der Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar und kooperiert mit der der K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH sowie dem Ubiquitous Media Technologies Lab des Deutschen Forschungszentrums für Künstliche Intelligenz.


Generative Arts and Design Lab

Keplerstr. 3-5

66117 Saarbrücken


Research Collective

Mert Akbal (visual arts / cognitive science), Sónia Alves (generative arts), Hannes Käfer (collaborative prototyping), Michael Schmitz (game design), Jan Tretschok (immersive media), Soenke Zehle (media theory)